Banana Land

Edition of 100


Banana Land is the result of years of research, investigation and collaboration between artists in Mexico, and New Orleans. The motivation behind this project was primarily from the interest in answering the question “How is it possible that a group of white men in New Orleans had control over the political, economical, and environmental outcomes in Latin America?” Using prints, video, textiles, and fruit, Banana Land is an exploration of the ways in which the U.S. and specifically New Orleans, was involved with extraction of resources in Latin America. Printed with Constance, and with support by Tulane University and Antenna Works.

Images from the exhibition at Staple Goods

Fui Sin Haber Nacido

Edition of 200

58 pages

Published with Antenna

Purchase here

Fui Sin Haber Nacido is a photo book that documents my relationship between New Orleans and Latin America, specifically using archival material from my family, as well research done about the Latinx community in New Orleans in the 20th century. Preserving a history through documents and newspapers about the community that was built during the banana trade. The book navigates, in chronological order, the impact of Latin Americans in New Orleans until present day post-Katrina, and traces the community of migrants who reconstructed our city. Today, Louisiana is rapidly becoming the epicenter for migrant detention, with prisons being built in rural areas and collecting asylum- seekers for profit and political gain.

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