The Past is a Foreign Country, 3:19, super 8 and archival footage

Official Selection New Orleans Film Festival: Experimental Shorts

Official Selection Festival Internacional de Cine de Taxco

Official Selection Baja California International Film Festival 

Official Selection: Chilam Balam: Muestra Nacional De Cortometrajes

"Experimental film tends to find meaning in the senseless, structure in the void. 2020 seems to call for it acutely. Screening as part of our Experimental Shorts program, ‘The Past is a Foreign Country’ reveals an archive of melancholic nostalgia through scratchy Super 8 footage of Mexico and Louisiana. Filmmaker Gabrielle Garcia Steib mixes this with family footage from Nicaragua, evoking a tiny portal into a subjective history – one which may recall flashes of our own. In doing so she demonstrates the power of film to conjure collective memory and longing."

-Stephanie Tell, New Orleans Film Society

Landscape Fever, 2020,

Featured in the Contemporary Arts Center exhibition "Make America What America Must Become"

Official Selection, New Orleans Film Festival, Louisiana Short

Magenta Alert Series,  2018, filmed in collaboration with Jenna Knoblach,  Honey Island Swamp

"Ya No Quiero Pensar en Nada" by 

Perritos Genericos

Director/Videographer, art animation on super8

Reverse Assimilation,  2020, a multimedia art based project centered around the Chicanx integrated experience in Anglo America. Designed as a platform that encourages deep introspection regarding identity as an individual and as a collective culture, Reverse Assimilation is vehicle for our Chicanx voice. Dialogue created by Lisa Saldivar and Jay Oropeza Berrones. Production of Video and Editing by Gabrielle Garcia Steib.

Rufian- Malacria, 2020, Direccion: Luis Safa y Mario Germes, Edicion: Mario Germes y Gabrielle Steib, Colorizacion: Javier Campesino

Home, 2018.

More can be found on my vimeo. 

Using Format